Friday, October 17, 2014

Armed force supplies food to people of Vizag..

  • Friday, October 17, 2014
  • kiran
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  •             Relief operations conducted by armed forces on Wednesday focused on visakapatnam, as the airforce flew in food packets from vijayawda and rajahmundary to the devasted city.defence officials announced that choppers carried 41 tonnes of food from Vijayawada and 17 tonnes from rajahmundary to visakapatnam.

                Following relentless work over the past few days,tthe roads from the naval base and bhimunipatnam to vizag city was cleared.efforts are underway to clear other arterial roads from vizag to all important national highway 5,said navy official.The army rescued a total of 272 people and thee Indian air force flew 50 sortties to airlift 144.5 tonnes of relief material to visakapatam and other areas